PURCHASE the Cover Me collection on CD only here at our site! This collection will be used in the Summer 2013 Community Worship Events in the Michiana area. Learn the songs and be a part of the Live CD to be recorded during the events!
Current Releases
Cover Me is a song for healing and restoration. As we walk through life, we have a sense of a need for something greater than us. We know we are missing something. We are missing our friend, God. We can be healed and restored to friendship with Him through the covering of the blood shed by our Messiah, Jesus, if we will let our hearts cry out to God to be covered in perfect love.
You Still Forgive Me is a song from the heart, a song about the struggles we face when we fail. God is not our enemy. He is a loving Father, and He will forgive us, if we truly seek Him with an open and repentant heart.

In my darkest hour, I seem so far from home.
Rain Your Reign in our hearts,
Rain Your Reign in our souls.
Let Your Love Reign in our lives, Lord,
Hold us close, don’t let go!

Mercy and Truth… we all need these in our walk with God. This song is a simple expression to God of heart felt desire to walk in His ways, with Mercy and Truth leading and guiding us.

God brought water from the Rock. Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding. Miracles needed for everyday life. Do you need a miracle today? Sing along with us, and let your heart be lifted up!

You Gave Hope is an upbeat song that offers praise to God for giving us all what we can use more of no matter where we are in life’s journey – hope.

Bring the Reign is a song for spiritual warfare. In scripture we are encouraged to cry out to God to destroy our enemies, especially enemies in the spiritual plain. If you need to get the enemy out of your life and off your back, join with and shout, “Bring the Reign!”
Run to the Roar is an upbeat song that encourages us to not be afraid of the enemy. We should Run to the Roar and trust God for the victory!